I am going to update this site soon.
I am going to update this site soon.
In my first blog post on the theme of being entrepreneurial,
With all of the focus on the upcoming presidential election, it got me thinking this morning about the state of the digital union at this same time in 2008, and all that has changed since then.
One of the guiding principles of being entrepreneurial I’ve been espousing in this blog is to “act as if” you were the CEO and founder, no matter what your position, title or tenure.
Generally when I post something here (which isn’t that often, I know), for some odd reason I write the post like a magazine column or essay, or something of the sort.
Reading the New York Times this morning, I came across an interesting and well put together article by Alex Williams that really grabbed my attention,
In an earlier post, I talked about how succesful “social” entrepreneurs share many of the same traits as for-profit entrepreneurs.
When an entrepreneur gets that “spark” or vision in his/her mind about the company they want to go build,